What made Steve Jobs' presentations so magnificent?
5 secrets behind Steve Jobs’ iconic keynote speeches.
Almost every skill can be mastered and public speaking is no exception.
Furthermore, effective speech is a gateway to persuading customers to purchase your product. And when you execute this part of marketing precisely, they will do that happily.
This article reveals why Steve Jobs will be remembered not just as a technology pioneer, but also as an exceptional speaker. I've summarized key lessons from his presentations into a few tips.
As a more introverted person, I sometimes find it difficult to speak in front of an audience, which is quite paradoxical. From a young age, I participated in recitation competitions, performed at dance events, and hosted various venues.
In marketing, you need to be seen and heard.
Therefore, it’s important to learn from those whom others look up to.
And who do people look up to more in this regard than... Steve?
I’ve analyzed some of his speeches and here are the conclusions that I came to.