Sep 1Liked by Nika Kotláriková

Loving this edition Nika,

I absolutely respect how you found corresponding images for every bullet point :p

I know how long it takes to find it heheh

Looking forward to the next edition :P

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Thank you, Irene! I had this topic on my mind for a while and I thought it will be easy but it took me some time to create a certain narration and structure. Feel blissful you understand this quite time-demanding process. ❤️

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Sep 2Liked by Nika Kotláriková

I’m so glad you can relate heh

I am looking forward to your next edition Nika <3

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We will be writing that our keyboards will burn. 🔥Hahaha. 🤣

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Sep 3Liked by Nika Kotláriková

HAHAHA dayummm gurl

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